Press releases
Deutsches Aktieninstitut honours "Pulse of Europe" with the Meritum Award of German Business 2024
Pulse of Europe is a non-partisan, independent and non-denominational civic network. In the network, European citizens are involved in a wide range of actions and campaigns to promote a democratic Europe and a future of peace, freedom, and prosperity.
"Against the backdrop of growing Eurosceptic populism, it is important to vigilantly stand up for democracy, freedom, the rule of law and prosperity in Germany and Europe," emphasises Melanie Kreis, President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, in her laudatory speech. "Democracy must be defended from within society. This year's award winner, Pulse of Europe, is making a valuable contribution to this and deserves our recognition. With the Meritum Award of German Business, we are honouring this commitment to the preservation of a democratic and peace-building EU," says Kreis. "Do not let up in your commitment to Europe and inspire as many people as possible for Europe and the EU."
Dr Daniel Röder, founder of the citizens' initiative and Chairman of the Board of Pulse of Europe, says at the award ceremony: "We at Pulse of Europe are very grateful to receive the Meritum Award. Both the financial support and the recognition of our work expressed in the award are essential for our campaign for the European elections. If together we manage to get many people from all areas of society to vote, we will counteract the disproportionate representation of the fringes of the political spectrum. Especially in times like these, it is extremely important that the business community also takes a socio-political stance. We hope that the awarding of the Meritum Sponsorship Prize to Pulse of Europe will help to persuade other players to support our campaign."
Pulse of Europe (PoE) was founded in Frankfurt am Main in 2016. Its members are united by their belief in the European idea and the conviction that citizens must become active themselves for a united Europe that is fit for the future. This commitment is realised through a wide range of campaigns and projects - primarily in Germany, but also in numerous other EU member states: From demonstrations and rallies to campaigns for the 2024 European elections and citizen participation formats such as the European House Parliaments (EHP), an interactive dialogue forum on European issues. True to the motto: "We are the pulse of Europe!"
Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V. awards the Meritum Prize of German Business (information on the Meritum Prize of German Business). Once a year, it honours personalities, organisations, initiatives, and projects that are particularly committed to the German economy, the concerns of the social market economy, economic education and a better understanding of economic interrelationships.
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Dr. Uta-Bettina von Altenbockum
Head of Sustainability
Tel.+49 69 92915-47