In the media
In his article, Patrick Siegert from Haufe.Online takes up our study on the implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz), which has been in force since January 2023. This was published by Deutsches Aktieninstitut together with Dr Nima Ghassemi-Tabar from Deloitte at the end of June. According to Siegert, the Supply Chain Act has already raised a lot of dust. With a view to the study, he clarifies who is responsible for the implementation of the LkSG, what is happening concretely in terms of risk analysis, LkSG notifications and internal processes, and what the future of supply chains in DAX 40, MDAX and SDAX looks like.
The article was published on 18.07.2023.
Dr. Uta-Bettina von Altenbockum
Head of Communications, Head of Sustainability Department
Tel.+49 69 92915-47