Press releases
Deutsches Aktieninstitut’s Return Triangles onto the desks of political decision-makers
Regular, long-term investment in a diversified portfolio of shares is the ideal instrument for retirement provision and wealth formation. Investors who invest in equity funds, ETFs and equities on a long-term, diversified and continuous...
Shareholder numbers 2024: Time for political impulses
For the fifth year in a row, the number of people investing their money in shares will pass the twelve million mark in 2024, according to the shareholder numbers published today by Deutsches Aktieninstitut. 12.1 million people are investing...
Economic education: The Basis for Democracy and Social Security
100 Years of World Savings Day: Why Saving Through Equities, Equity Funds and ETFs is Attractive
Making Annual General Meetings in Germany more attractive
Shareholder representatives and companies are calling for a more open dialogue between the board of directors and shareholders at the annual general meeting. Together with the commercial law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Deutsches...
Post European Elections: Swiftly advancing the completion of the Capital Markets Union and strengthening competitiveness
In the weeks following the European elections, the EU Parliament and the EU Commission will undergo restructuring. Deutsches Aktieninstitut hopes that both institutions will prioritize strengthening the European capital market. This...
Study on retirement savings accounts: What Germany can learn from other countries when it comes to private pension plans
European elections: Strong capital markets for a competitive EU
International Women's Day 2024: Build up assets with shares and prevent poverty in old age
Women are less likely than men to invest in shares, equity funds or ETFs. They are therefore missing out on valuable opportunities for attractive returns on equity investments. On International Women's Day on March 8, Deutsches...
Return triangles 2023 published
"Time in the market beats timing the market" – in other words, investment duration beats entry time, according to a stock market rule. This is once again impressively demonstrated by the average returns of the updated return triangles...
Shareholder figures for 2023 break the 12 million mark again
For the fourth time in a row, the number of investors in shares and other equity investments in 2023 is well above the 12 million mark, as the shareholder figures published today by Deutsches Aktieninstitut show. At 12.3 million German...
More equal opportunities through financial education (in German)
Three quarters of young people want economics to be given a higher priority at school. On tomorrow's Education Day, Deutsches Aktieninstitut is therefore calling for economics to be taught as a subject in all general education schools...
The Capital Market in Germany is becoming more attractive (in German)
DAX capping limit may not hinder growth companies (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut welcomes the proposal oft he index provider STOXX to increase the capping limit in the DAX selection indices from 10 to 15 percent. This would be in line with the practice of comparable indices in other countries...
World Savings Day: Save better with shares (in German)
Strengthening the performance of the capital market with the Future Financing Act (in German)
Retirement savings deposit is a step in the right direction (in German)
Happy Birthday 35 years DAX! (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut is pleased to celebrate 35 years of the DAX. The German Share Index represents the 40 largest stock market stocks in Germany and is one of the best-known share indices worldwide. In the past, a long-term and broadly...
Company acquisition as a means of tackling digitization and the energy transition (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut presents new return triangle for the global equity index MSCI World (in German)
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive must tighten up value chain (in German)
Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz aims to strengthen the capital market in Germany (in German)
World Women's Day 2023: Better start investing in stocks today than tomorrow (in German)
In the past, a long-term and broadly diversified investment in shares has generated annual returns of six to nine percent on average. That is why, on the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, Deutsches Aktieninstitut is...
Employee share defies Corona, war and inflation (in German)
Employee share programs are an attractive and secure way to build wealth: 87 percent of employee share plans generate an annual return of at least five percent over ten years. In more than half of the plans, employees can look forward to a...
Subscription rights issues no longer trigger prospectus requirement (in German)
Following a very constructive dialog, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is changing its practice with regard to so-called oversubscription for rights issues of up to eight million euros. Existing shareholders can...
70 Years of Share Saving: Special edition of the Return Triangle to mark the 70th anniversary of Deutsches Aktieninstitut (in German)
Shareholder figures at record level in 2022 despite crises (in German)
Germany has never had more stock savers. 12.9 million people were invested in shares, equity funds or ETFs last year, according to the shareholder figures published today by the Deutsches Aktieninstitut. That is slightly more than at the...
Strengthening Economic Education (in German)
On the occasion of tomorrow's Education Day, Deutsches Aktieninstitut is calling on the German government to do even more to promote economic education in Germany. This requires a separate economics subject in schools and the prompt...
Plan for funded pension provision is step in the right direction (in German)
World Savings Day: Creating Better Incentives for Saving Shares
Second Franco-German Corporate Executives and Institutional Investors’ Forum
New study "Generation Aktie" shows: Young investors invest long-term and regularly in equities and ETFs (in German)
The young generation relies on equity funds and equity-based ETFs. She informs herself online in social media and saves for asset accumulation and retirement provision. This is the result of a study by the Center for Research in Financial...
European sustainability standards at risk of becoming a bureaucratic monster (in German)
Draft law for virtual AGMs fails at the public hearing within the German Bundestag (in German)
Making saving in shares more attractive (in German)
New calculations by Deutsches Aktieninstitut show that the reintroduction of tax exemption for equity income after a holding period would be an attractive incentive to promote equity savings in Germany. The introduction of an investment...
Virtual Annual General Meetings: Missing the practical mark - revision urgently needed! (in German)
Draft on virtual AGM creates legal uncertainty (in German)
ESG has arrived in the companies (in German)
Sustainability, with its facets of environmental, social and governance (ESG) has reached the everyday life of listed companies. The shift towards sustainable management has left the strategic level and is influencing the business policy....
Updated Return Triangles - long-term investment beats time of entry (in German)
Shareholder numbers remain at a high level (in German)
Almost 12.1 million Germans were invested in shares, funds or ETFs in 2021, according to the shareholder numbers published today by Deutsches Aktieninstitut. This is the third-highest level in the surveys and, despite a decrease of 280,000...
Financial literacy is part of general education (in German)
On the occasion of the Education Day, Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls on the new federal government to commit to more economic education in Germany. This requires a separate school subject of economics and a national agenda for more...
Focus on saving shares on World Savings Day tomorrow (in German)
„Seit 1924 wird am...
Aktieninstitut for strengthening the German capital market (in German)
Talk is silver, action is golden (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut expects the political parties to follow up the promises made in their election programs with action after the Bundestag elections. In particular, when it comes to old-age provision, savings with stocks must...
DAX 40: More players in the upper stock league (in German)
German federal election 2021: German capital markets needs a fitness programme (in German)
Efficient capital markets contribute to securing prosperity. Deutsches Aktieninstitut therefore calls on the next federal government to promote equities in Germany and to make the German capital market fit for the future. In a ten-point...
Assuring the quality of the statutory audit - recommendations from practice (in German)
Industry knowledge, professional experience and tone from the top play a key role in audit quality. This is shown by the study published today by Deutsches Aktieninstitut "Audit Quality Indicators & Beyond", which looks at the topic of...
Support offered for work on EU sustainability reporting standard (in German)
Stock buybacks are an important instrument of equity management (in German)
German Press Release: The acquisition of own stock reduces a company's equity capital. At first glance, this makes little sense, as it seems to contradict the purpose of equity financing - raising capital. That this is not the case is...
Stock Market Participation in Germany on record high
Deutsches Aktieninstitut has published its updated shareholder figures for Germany. With 12.4 million people, a particularly large number were invested in shares in the Corona year 2020. The young generation in particular discovered the...
General Meetings without compulsory attendance become possible (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut welcomes the draft on the General Meeting without the shareholders’ personal attendance. Due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure, the possibility to ask questions during the online General Meeting must be...
At times of Corona: General meetings without compulsory attendance required (in German)
The bans and restrictions on events in response to the corona pandemic make it extremely difficult for companies to hold general meetings as face-to-face events. In a position paper published today, Deutsches Aktieninstitut therefore...
Acting calmly also in times of corona (in German)
In an extremely difficult stock market phase, the German day of the share ("Tag der Aktie") moves shares as an investment form into the limelight. Despite the current slump on the stock markets, the longer the investment horizon of a...
A shareholders' meeting is no soccer match (in German)
With a view to the beginning of the annual general meeting season, Deutsches Aktieninstitut is calling for individual case examinations to be permitted at annual general meetings. Companies that are legally obliged to hold shareholders'...
Shareholder interest down in 2019 (in German)
In 2019, the number of share owners fell by around 660,000 people compared to the previous year, as the Deutsches Aktieninstitut states in its shareholder figures published today. The year 2019 thus represents a setback for German equity...
A long-term plus with shares (In German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut has published its new Return Triangles. As the Return Triangles show, shares are always an attractive investment for asset accumulation in the long term. Deutsches Aktieninstitut therefore calls for shares to become...
Financial Transaction Tax - Private investors will foot the bill (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut rejects the bill on the financial transaction tax recently presented by the German Minister of Finance. The planned stock market tax makes the purchase of shares more expensive and thus less attractive. This makes...
Franco-German Economic Forum: President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls for closer cooperation at company level
The first Franco-German Corporate Executives and Institutional Investors Forum of Deutsches Aktieninstitut focused on European economic and capital market policy. France and Germany must work more closely together on these issues in order...
Investing is the new way of saving (in German)
On World Savings Day, many children open a savings book for the first time. But the savings book is no attractive form of investment in the long run. The low interest rate policy means that Germans are losing assets in real terms. A...
Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls for more Cooperation between Politics and Business in Europe (in German)
A consistent finalization of the Capital Market Union, purposeful action for a sustainable economy and the strengthening of European companies in international competition: These key issues form the focus of today's published European paper...
No one-sided burden on German companies
Deutsches Aktieninstitut firmly rejects the introduction of a public country-by-country reporting at EU level. The disclosure of sensitive company data puts German companies at a disadvantage in international competition.
"The proposal to...
No Taxation on Shares, Mr. Scholz!
In a letter addressed to Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, warns against the negative effects of the planned tax on shares for German economy and society. The tax on...
A Safe Pension with Equities
In other countries, shares make a significant contribution to securing the standard of living of people in old age. This is the result of a study published today by Deutsches Aktieninstitut entitled "Altersvorsorge mit Aktien zukunftsfest...
Friedrich von Metzler receives the Meritum Ehrenpreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft 2019 - the Förderpreis is awarded to Rock it Biz (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut awards Friedrich von Metzler for his outstanding civic commitment and his commitment to the social market economy with the Meritum prize of the German Economy. The banker receives the honorary prize for his life's...
With Four Simple Rules to an Successful Share Investment (in German)
On the occasion of the day of shares, on March 18, Deutsches Aktieninstitut encourages savers to invest in shares or equity funds. Who seizes the opportunities of share investment can look forward to attractive returns. You only have to...
Number of Shareholders Increases by a Quarter of a Million (in German)
In 2018, for the fourth time running the number of shareholders and equity funds holders has risen in Germany. The survey “Shareholding Statistics of Deutsches Aktieninstitut 2018" (in German) - published today - shows that on an annual...
Shares Remain Attractive Investments (in German)
In view of the downturn of share prices investors should not be getting nervous. On the long run shares have been and are attractive investments with manageable risk. This demonstrate the new Return-Triangles of Deutsches Aktieninstitut...
Less Misunderstandings, More Shareholders (in German)
The Survey of Börse Stuttgart and Deutsches Aktieninstitut reflects the attitude of the Germans on shares // Inspite of low interest rates great reservations // Personal experience creates positive attitude // Integration of share...
Happy Birthday DAX – New Return Triangle Shows the Attractiveness of Regular Investments in Shares (in German)
...Smaller Companies Need to Prepare Themselves Better for a Possible Takeover
How do German listed companies assess the likelihood of becoming the target of a takeover? How well prepared are they? Do they plan to buy a listed company? Answers to these questions delivers the survey “Ready for Takeover?” published...
Challenge Future - Politics and economy need to cooperate
At its annual reception in the Gesellschaftshaus of BASF in Ludwigshafen Deutsches Aktieninstitut, celebrating its 65th anniversary, addressed upcoming future challenges. As honoured guest, the General Secretary of the CDU, Annegret...
Have you already started saving in shares? (in German)
At the day of shares the Deutsche Aktieninstitut reminds the public that with shares - permanently invested - you can earn good returns. It is important not be focused on the right timing of the investment but to invest in shares on a...
The Implementation of Employee Shares Made Easy (in German)
The Deutsche Aktieninstitut and EY have published the “Guideline for the implementation of employee share schemes” today. The Guideline describes the five phases of planning, designing, compliance, communication and administration and...
Number of Shareholders Rises to over more than 10 Millions
In 2017 the number of shareholders and equity fund holders has risen significantly. On an annual average it was almost 1.1 million higher than in the previous year. In total more than 10 million citizens in Germany owned shares or equity...
„Return-Triangle“ visualises top long-term performance of shares (in German)
Shares are profitable and therefore an attractive financial investment. That impressively illustrates the new “Return-Triangle” of Deutsches Aktieninstitut. It can be downloaded now at The message is: Shares give good returns in...
EU Vice-President Dombrovskis Counts on the Support of Companies as regards the Capital Markets Union
At the reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut today in Brussels EU Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis and the president of Deutsches Aktieninstitut Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel advocated for the integration of European capital markets. The Capital...
Companies Demand more Asset Formation among Employees (in German)
With the „Berlin Appeal for more asset formation among employees” high-level representatives of the German economy and of trade associations call upon the future German government to create a better framework for employee equity...
Whoever wants to lead has to speak clearly (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls upon political parties to show more support for important capital market issues like a share oriented old age provision and more IPOs in Germany. The responses of the political parties to the “Wahlprüfsteine”...
Companies welcome relief brought by Commission’s derivative end-user proposals
Companies welcome the Commission’s commitment to the existing commercial hedging exemption for companies from clearing and margining, and the move to an asset-by-asset class assessment for this exemption. The hedging exemption is critical...
German Parliamentary Elections 2017 – Sending a Strong Signal for Shares (in German)
Shares support the asset building of Germans and are indispensable for corporate finance. In its position paper for the German parliamentary elections, published today, Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls upon the political parties to include...
Share Investment - The Illusionary Giant (in German)
On share´s day Deutsche Aktieninstitut calls for more political commitment for share investments. Shares are an important element for asset building and the old age provisions of the citizens. Therefore it is essential to reduce prejudices...
Number of Shareholders Remains Stable at Nine Million - Politicians Are Called Upon to Act (in German)
The number of shareholders and private investors in equity fonds has remained stable, as Deutsches Aktieninstitut notes in its study on the number of shareholders published today. In the annual average the number was just under nine million...
„Return-Triangle“ Sends a Clear Message: The Country Needs More Shares (in German)
Shares are profitable and are therefore an attractive financial investment. That impressively illustrates the new “Return-Triangle” of Deutsches Aktieninstitut. It can be downloaded now at The message is: Shares give good...
Baumann Calls on Politics and Economy to Strengthen the European Union (in German)
At the autumn reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, held today in Brussels, Werner Baumann, President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut and CEO of Bayer AG, requested more support for Europe. Politics and economy had together to convince the...
Guiding Principles for the Dialogue between Investor and Supervisory Board (In German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut supports the new guiding principles for the dialogue between investors and supervisory board published today by the initiative “Developing Shareholder Communication”.
Hessian Finance Minister Schäfer: „Employee shares offer above-average returns” (In German)
At a conference of the Deutsches Aktieninstitut and the Global Equity Organization the Finance Minister of Hesse Dr. Thomas Schäfer and Hauke Stars, Member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG, discussed an increased employee...
Baumann Is Calling for an Improved Inclusion of Shares in Retirement Provisions (in German)
This year the traditional reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut took place at the Tropicarium of BAYER CropScience AG in Monheim. Besides Werner Baumann, President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, Professor Dr. Axel Weber, Chairman of the Board...
Positive Signals for Equity Culture: Number of Shareholders Rises in 2015 (In German)
The number of shareholders and private investors in equity funds in Germany increased by 560.000 in 2015, as has been shown in a study of Deutsches Aktieninstitut on the number of shareholders published today. In total we have now well over...
Updated "Return-Triangle" published – Don´t Get Upset by Drops in Share Prices (In German)
As the Return-Triangle of Deutsches Aktieninstitut shows, shares or equity funds are perfectly suited for wealth building. The updated version illustrating the development of prices and dividends in 2015 is available for download at...
The Need for Safety meets Risk Aversion - Bankenverband and Deutsches Aktieninstitut on Safety and Risk (in German)
The joint conference of Bankenverband and Deutsches Aktieninstitut focused on the question whether we need another risk culture in order to find new answers for the current challenges. Alongside other speakers Jürgen Fitschen, Co-Chief...
EU-Commission Vice-President Katainen Calls for More Commitment to TTIP at Deutsches Aktieninstitut's Autumn-Reception (in German)
At the traditional Autumn Reception in Brussels Werner Baumann, President of Deutsches Aktieninsitut, and Jyrki Katainen, EU Vice-President and Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, emphasized the importance of the...
Employee Share-Ownership – Associations call for Political Action (in German)
In its call for action “For an agenda employee share-ownership” published today, ten well-known German associations ask from politicians to improve the general framework of employee share-ownership and to speak up for more employee...
Share investment is a Matter of Mindset – New Study about the Attitude of Germans towards Shares (in German)
Misunderstandings, prejudices and uncertainties influence the relationship of Germans to share investments. This has been ascertained by a study of Deutsches Aktieninstitut and Stuttgart Stock Exchange, examining the attitude of Germans...
Board of Deutsches Aktieninstitut Confirms Werner Bauman as President (in German)
At its constitutive meeting the newly elected board of Deutsches Aktieninstitut unanimously confirmed Werner Baumann, Chief Strategy and Portfolio Officer of Bayer AG, as President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut.
Despite the Ongoing Bull Market the Number of Shareholders in Germany is Declining (in German)
In 2014 about half a million people bid their shares or shares in funds farewell. Despite rising prices at the stock exchanges the number of share investors dropped the second year in a row. Only 8.4 million Germans, i.e. about 13 percent...
New edition of the stock return triangle - shares promote private wealth building in the long run (in German)
Shares and equity funds promote wealth building of private households. This is demonstrated by the stock triangle of Deutsches Aktieninstitut, which visualizes the peformance of the companies of the DAX over the past 50 years. The new...
Strengthening the IPO Market in Germany (in German)
An intelligent regulatory framework is needed in order to better mobilize capital for IPOs. This is the key message of Deutsches Aktieninstitut in its positionpaper “The Stock Exchange - Strengthening the Engine for Growth: Mobilizing...
More enthusiasm for employee shares – simplification of regulatory framework and extension of tax relief needed (in German)
In its position paper “More enthusiasm for employee shares in Germany: Adequate Incentives – Less Obstacles” published today, Deutsches Aktieninstitut sees a need for politicians to engage more in the support of employee share-schemes....
"Without Capital Markets No Growth in Europe" (in German)
At the traditional Brussels reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut the new EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Lord Hill, and Markus Ferber, MEP, delivered speeches to more than 200 guests. Werner Baumann, President of Deutsches...
President of Deutsches Aktieninstitut rejects financial transaction tax (in German)
At the annual reception of Deutsches Aktieninstitut today, Werner Baumann, President of Deutsches Deutsches Aktieninstitut, called for dropping ultimately the plans to introduce a financial transaction tax in EU.
The complete press release...
Deutsches Aktieninstitut critisizes the Proposal on a Reform of the Shareholder Rights Directive (in German)
The complete press release can be downloaded in German below.
Number of shareholders declining: Aktieninstitut warns about negative long term consequences for private wealth building (in German)
Last year 600.000 people less than 2012 were invested in shares or equity funds. This is the key finding of the most recent shareowner statistics of Deutsches Aktieninstitut. Only 8.9 million Germans placed private savings into shares or...
No Financial Transaction Tax - Now! (in German)
The financial transaction tax is an important agenda item for the franco-German consultations this week. Deutsches Aktieninstitut calls for refraining from the tax as it would seriously harm the real economy and private investors.
Deutsches Aktieninstitut surveys status quo of employee shareownership in Germany (in German)
The complete press release in German is available for download below.
Deutsches Aktieninstitut will provide the office of the Commission German Corporate Governance Code (in German)
In today's general meeting the members of Deutsches Aktieninstitut decided to provide the office of the Commission German Corporate Governance Code in the future. As an instrument of self-regulation the German Corporate Governance Code and...
Number of shareholders on the rise, number of investors in equity funds down (in German)
In the first half of the year 2013 the number of direct shareholders has increased by 7.1 percent. Compared to 2012 additional 323.000 people have decided to invest in shares, so that there are now 4.9 million direct shareholders in Germany...
Deutsches Aktieninstitut is going to become the office for the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code (in German)
The Financial Transaction Tax – A Wrong Track?
Private investors and the real economy in Germany would be charged with costs ranging from 5.0 to 7.3 billion Euros if the financial transaction tax entered into force. This is the key-finding of an impact study conducted by Deutsches...
Congratulations to 25 years of DAX (in German)
Deutsches Aktieninstitut congratulates to 25 year of DAX: The most famous German stock index does not only visualize the performance of the listed companies, but is an indicator for the development of the German economy as a whole.
...Financial Transaction Tax will hurt massively the companies of the real economy (in German)
The financial transaction tax will cause massive burden for the real economy. In an analysis Deutsches Aktieninstitut calculated the impacts of the new tax on 24 large German companies. Even under conservative assumptions the estimated...