In the media
Focus Online: Optimists see the DAX at 18,000 points at the end of the year - how realistic is that?
Our Deputy Head of Capital Markets, Dr. Norbert Kuhn, explores this question in his guest article for Focus-Online. The year-end forecasts of capital market experts for 2024 vary widely from 14,500 to 18,000 points. The wide range shows that the development of the stock market cannot be reliably predicted. However, investing in shares is not a sprint from the beginning of the year to the end, but a long-distance run over many years, emphasizes Kuhn. In his article, you can find out what a sensible investment strategy looks like and from which investment period onwards the returns stabilize.
The guest article was published on 01.02.2024.
In the media
Investment in shares and securities
Dr. Uta-Bettina von Altenbockum
Head of Communications, Head of Sustainability Department
Tel.+49 69 92915-47