Position papers
Investor protection: Building an efficient EU wide mechanism for investor-state dispute settlement
Effective protection against discriminatory measures is an essential requirement for European investors to invest in Europe. Around 200 investment protection agreements between the Member States of the European Union are currently ensuring a high level of investor protection in Europe. However, due to the “Achmea” judgment of the European Court of Justice, those agreements are to be terminated until the end of 2019 following a communication of the EU Commission. Deutsches Aktieninstitut demands from the EU Commission-together with its French partner association Afep - that an alternative mechanism of investor protection in Europe will be created as soon as possible, in order to guarantee the highest level of investment protection in Europe also after the termination of the investment protection agreements.
Position papers
Capital market financing

Dr. Norbert Kuhn
Head of Think Tank
Tel.+49 69 92915-20