Position papers
Position on the EU Commission’s draft Guidelines on the standardised presentation of the remuneration report
On September 29, the EU Commission discussed the draft of the Guidelines on the standardized presentation of a remuneration report under Directive EU 2017/828 with the Company Law Expert Group it had set up. Deutsches Aktieninstitut attended the meeting and subsequently submitted a written statement.
Even if the EU Commission has met some of our demands with the updated draft guidelines, there is still a need to resolve ambiguities. In this regard, we raise many specific questions. Some model tables are still impractical, for example in the case of multiple linked remuneration components.
The guidelines are to be adopted this year, at the latest by early 2023.
Position papers
Corporate governance and company law

Dr. Cordula Heldt
Head of Corporate Governance and Company Law
Tel.+49 69 92915-22