Study shows: Young people invest long-term and regularly on the capital market
A new study by the Center for Research in Financial Communication at leipzig University in cooperation with the DIRK - Deutscher Ivestor Relations Verband and Deutsches Aktieninstitut shows that young people under the age of 35, the so-called Generation Aktie, deal intensively with the investment opportunities of their capital and invest specifically in stocks and ETFs. In doing so, they rely on the regularity, long-term nature and broad diversification of the investment. In particular, wealth accumulation is the top priority, but long-term goals such as retirement provision are not ignored. In order to exploit the best possible form of investment, young savers usually inform themselves online via financial portals, but also on social media (YouTube, Instagram and podcasts).
Retirement provision
Dr. Gerrit Fey
Head of Capital Markets Department
Tel.+49 69 92915-41